Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies to improve its service.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user’s computer when they visit certain websites. In some cases, they are deleted after that visit. In other cases, they are kept for subsequent visits. The use of cookies when accessing websites is common practice and the various browsers allow each user to refuse their use, as well as delete those that have already been created.

You should not continue to access our website after the cookie alert if you do not agree to their use.

2. What is the point of accepting cookies?

When you visit this website, we record certain information that we store on your device. Some cookies may be essential to ensure the functionalities provided, while others are intended to improve performance and user experience.

3. Accepting/Refusing cookies

You can choose to accept or refuse the installation of cookies on your device at any time by configuring your browser software.

3.1 If you accept cookies

The registration of a cookie on your device depends on your wishes. You can change your choice at any time using the options provided by your browser software.

If in the browser software you use you have accepted the saving of cookies on your device, the cookies embedded in the pages and content you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a specific space on your device.

3.2 If you refuse cookies

When you refuse cookies, we only deposit a “refusal” cookie. This cookie allows us to memorise your choice so as to avoid asking you on each visit whether you wish to accept or decline cookies.

4. Managing cookies on different browsers

To deactivate cookies in your browser, you can consult the links below. Considering the large number of browsers and their versions, these instructions are not exhaustive.

Firefox: Improved Tracking Protection

Chrome: Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

5. Legal Notice Update

We reserve the right to make any changes or corrections to this cookie notification. Please check this page regularly to review the information and check for any updates.

This notice was updated on 1 November 2021